Lars Jokubeit

''People ask me: how was it like to grow up on the eastern side?
Well first: no, I was not starving. But, that time for me certainly involved morning roll calls, recyclables collection tours and Russian pen pals.''

I grew up in the famous city of Dresden which was at that time far away from old and now new magnificence. Back than it still spotted some major war ruins right in the middle of the city center. And the city was better known as the “Valley of the Clueless” as no Western TV signals could reach into the city. But that certainly all changed when the wall came down.


I soon made use of the new freedoms to go abroad and live some time in the States. But when I returned my way led me straight into the biggest German city – Berlin. And even though I never was there much before, I immediately felt like I had arrived. The city has a mysterious way of making everyone feel welcome; it embraces big and small, rich and poor, grey and colorful. After going through so much in its recent history, it breathes an open heart, easyness and free mind today that deeply touched me.


Becoming soon part of the rich cultural scene of the city, I experimented with own projects. This gave me first-hand experience and insight into the vast cultural life, from theatre to galleries, from dance to museums, from the nascent to the established. Today I enjoy discovering all the different aspects of the city, and even more in showing them to and sharing them with people interested.


So with anyone in for exploration I am happy to dive into the stories of the past and into the liveliness of this great city today!

Speaks German and English

Specialized in Cold War, communism, art & architecture, museums, galleries, Potsdam, Dresden

Tours by limousine, bike and walking tour

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